Saturday, June 5, 2010


The prompt at One Single Impression this week is Icarus. Check out the site and see how other people interpreted this prompt.

The sun is so hot
His wings will probably melt
Falling to his death




throughout my days....
deep into every night~
I am haunted.
a curse, some might say-
of an all consuming
love for you.
it is a ruinous path...
a dead end street.
I don't deserve your love
nor can I hope to
have your love returned
to me.
how did this happen?
unable to have the one
I so dearly want...
something must be done-
I have not the strength
nor the desire
to rid myself
of these feelings.
the flames of my passion
I can't extinguish~
my quest has but
one conclusion...
follow the path of Icarus-
be incinerated by the sun.
a coward's way out
that it might be
I can no longer
live without you,
so I pray for
a swift and merciful end...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010




some words are said to often

many others,not enough

what is the correct balance?

when mutually felt,

do they need to be spoken?

recognizing what to say,

worrying about picking

just the right words-

so instead saying nothing

classes need to be taught

maybe a guide to follow.

ultimately it is

an individual's decision

what can be lived with.

will there be regrets?

only time will tell

The above poems were written for the One Single Impression prompt LOVE. Please check out how others interpreted this prompt.